We’re in the News!

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09/02/19: Implementan en Houston un nuevo sistema para detectar niveles de benceno en el medio ambiente Research staff Laura Campos is interviewed. She is part of the team that created the alert system.

08/28/19: City creates alert system for high benzene levels.Rapid Alert Benzene Information: Time Sensitive, or RABITS



Houston Press

07/01/2016: Dr. Raun in coordinance with Air Alliance Houston shares data of high levels of benzene in Galena Park with the Houston Press. Air Alliance Houston Report Shows HIgh Benzene Levels In Galena Park




04/26/2016: Dr. Raun discusses the quality of air in the Houston area. Air Pollution Report and Sean Patrick Flanery: Tuesday’s Show (April 26, 2016)

02/04/2016: HISD needs to have a nurse in every school.





10/01/2015: Obama administration issues rules to curb ozone






06/22/2015 Air quality and asthma focus of Rice workshop for HISD

HISD nurses and hosts gathered for a tour of the city’s air quality monitoring vehicle


5/15/2015 Ensor elected vice president of American Statistical Association Congratulations Dr. Ensor!

5/13/2015 Dr. Raun is asked to speak of Houston air. Understanding and Combating Houston’s Ozone and Air Pollution Problems

3/3/2014 Goal: Alert Houston children with asthma about air danger. 

Rice University air pollution study will localize risks for HISD students.


Last updated 09/05/19
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